Maria Carolina Torres 

Graphic designer, brand strategist & illustrator with a Master’s in Branding from SVA.

From Bogotá, Colombia based in New York City. 

Currently designing for Olaplex

I also like to talk about sex @100daysofsextalk

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Maria Carolina Torres

Graphic designer, brand strategist & illustrator from Bogotá, Colombia based in New York City.

Currently designing for Act+Acre.

Want to chat?
Email me
or message me Linkedin︎
100 Days of Sex Talk
In the Master’s of Branding at SVA they ask students to complete an independent final project over the span of 100 days. 100 days of sex talk is a second take at my undergraduate thesis project, Entre Piernas. The work and research that I did since 2019 found an outlet in the form of daily posters meant to open up conversations about sexuality and all possible topics surrounding it. Combining my love for design and sex-ed, I created a new poster every day with a new style and a new topic with captions in both English and Spanish that would open the floor for the audience to think deeper about sex and
what it means to them.

001. Orgasmo

007. Anatomy of the vulva

099. No is a full sentence

080. The pleasure gap

061. Taking nudes

021. No ‘loose’ vaginas

009. Nipples

100. Let’s talk about sex

088. Abortion is healthcare

011. Use condoms